2 minutes read

GREEN aims at improving existing and developing new assessment tools and services that are able to capture the multiple benefits of nature-based solutions; design and test business and policy models fostering innovative Green Infrastructure (GI) projects and services; and elaborate instruments for upscaling and monitoring the performance of Gl strategies.

instruments for upscaling and monitoring the performance of Gl strategies.GREEN will improve existing and develop new assessment tools and

services that are able to capture the multiple benefits of nature-based solutions; design and

test business and policy models fostering innovative Gl projects and services; and elaborate

instruments for upscaling and monitoring the performance of Gl strategies.GREEN will improve existing and develop new assessment tools and

services that are able to capture the multiple benefits of nature-based solutions; design and

test business and policy models fostering innovative Gl projects and services; and elaborate

instruments for upscaling and monitoring the performance of Gl strategies.

GREEN aims at improving existing and developing new assessment tools and services that are able to capture the multiple benefits of nature-based solutions; design and test business and policy models fostering innovative Green Infrastructure (GI) projects and services; and elaborate instruments for upscaling and monitoring the performance of Gl strategies.


The specific objectives of the GREEN innovation action are to:


1. Collect, critically review, and enhance the evidence that enables a sound and thorough assessment and monitoring of the functions and worthwhileness of green infrastructure-based solutions and ecosystem services for protecting economic, social and environmental assets and infrastructures in a representative number of regional, national and supranational case/pilot studies;


2. Review the established and develop new business and policy strategies that foster realization of green infrastructure-based solutions; and to identify the regulatory ‘enablers’ and novel financial schemes that foster greater efficient deployment of Gl-solutions;


3. Build a greater awareness about, and boost support for the practical application of green infrastructure-based solutions through ample engagement of stakeholders and businesses in designing innovative strategies, projects and services; and through systematic and tailormade consultations and dissemination activities;


4. Develop criteria and instruments for mapping the potential of a large scale deployment of green infrastructures throughout Europe, and by doing so promote their uptake; and to demonstrate the value and feasibility of green infrastructures-based solutions for the scope of regional, national and supranational DRR/CCA planning and nature conservation;


5. Foster market replication of the demonstration pilots through developing training, guidance documents and capacity building; making available large scale mapping outputs and well-documented generated datasets; and fostering business oriented knowledge products and services.


6. Develop methodologies able to extrapolate and/or up-scale the empirical evidence supporting the value of Gl-based solution to regional and Pan-European level using also novel earth observation based services.


7. Provide guidance on and demonstration of the possibilities for large scale deployment of

Gl supported by structural and investment funds.