Communication and External Relations / Events
Giulia Salustro

Giulia Salustro graduated in Sciences of International Development and Cooperation at University of “La Sapienza” Rome, and she pursued her studies at University of “Roma Tre” where she graduated with honour in International Relations. She chose this field of studies because she wanted to gain a solid cultural background in order to understand the world in its complexity.

She worked as an Intern at the U.S. Embassy in Italy, Public Affairs Office, that introduced her in the Public Relations’ world and she started her career working for a Communication Agency opened to International and National customers engaged in cinema, cultural business and no profit organizations. Among the events organized by the agency, she worked as Production Assistant for Taormina Film Festival 2016, and as Public Relations Assistant for events in collaboration with Cannes Film Festival 2016 and Venice Film Festival 2016, 2017, 2018.

In 2017 she worked as Artist Liaison and Public Relations Manager for the 17th edition of Armonie d’Arte Festival, a cultural Festival where classical concerts took place inside the Archeological Park of Scolacium.
